Sustainable. Responsible. Compliant.
We deliver quality external works that benefit a site’s immediate environment, offer long-lasting sustainability, and ensure compliance.
Our solutions enhance sites, limit environmental harm and demonstrate that a development is sustainable and considerate. We also make recommendations on features or solutions that will prevent wastage or unnecessary maintenance, repairs or replacement materials.
Sustainable developments
We support sustainable developments by recommending and delivering solutions to:
- Support biodiversity – Using plants, flowers or landscaping styles to attract wildlife and create habitats.
- Prevent flooding - Constructing features that will support surface water drainage and prevent erosion or flooding.
- Deter pests, littering or vandalism – Installing solutions to deter pests and discourage littering and using products to help deter or prevent vandalism.
- Limit energy and water consumption – Identifying features to conserve energy or water, including where trees could shade buildings to limit cooling needs.
- Benefit communities – Creating safe, attractive spaces that promote a sense of belonging and wellbeing.
Responsible delivery
All our own operations and processes are responsible and sustainable too, as we:
- Ensure longevity – Recommending quality, durable materials with long lifespans, and considering the embodied carbon of solutions.
- Prevent waste – Using unique technology to calculate resource requirements and order the right volumes of materials to prevent wastage.
- Reuse or recycle materials – Managing materials carefully by segregating, reusing or recycling unused resources and correctly disposing of end-of-life materials.
- Protect environments – Ensuring trees, tree roots, soils or nearby waterways are not disturbed or contaminated during works.
We also employ a range of sustainable business practices, as we:
- Ensure responsible procurement – Complying with regulatory requirements to procure sustainable materials and working with a range of suppliers to source materials close to sites, wherever possible.
- Limit energy consumption – Investing in SMART technology to control HVAC systems and utilities across our head office, and ensuring non-critical equipment is switched off when not in use.
- Limit emissions – Using company vehicles compliant with local LEZ requirements (Glasgow City).
- Review practice - Completing a comprehensive environmental review of every project and storing data within our unique technology to learn from previous projects.
Compliant practice
We work safely and efficiently, understanding and adhering to all relevant regulations around flood prevention, waste management, site safety and more.
Our teams comply with national regulations set out by SEPA, the EA and the HSE along with site-specific requirements from local authorities.
We help developers, contractors and public sector bodies to fulfil their ESG commitments:
- Environmental – Ensuring all works minimise environmental harm and maximise biodiversity benefits.
- Social – Creating meaningful, sustainable employment and giving back to communities.
- Governance – Working safely and compliantly and capturing and sharing valuable data.